Gentleness: A Christ-Like Attribute That Unites Us All

Gentleness is a Christ-like attribute that is often overlooked but is nonetheless essential to the Christian faith. Scripture is clear that gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) and that Christ himself was a gentle man (2 Cor. 10:1).

But what does it mean to be gentle? The dictionary defines gentleness as the quality or state of being kind, tender, or mild. In other words, it is the opposite of harshness. The Greek word for gentleness is prautes, which can also be translated as meekness. This word is often used in the New Testament to describe someone who is not easily angered or provoked (e.g., Matt. 5:5; Gal. 6:1).

So, to be gentle is to be kind, tender, and mild-tempered. It is to be slow to anger and quick to forgive. It is to be merciful and compassionate. It is to put others first and to always speak the truth in love.

In a world that is often characterized by selfishness, greed, and violence, gentleness is a much-needed virtue. It is a virtue that can help to bring us all together. When we are Gentle with one another, we are living out the gospel message of love and forgiveness. We are showing the world that we are disciples of Jesus Christ.

Let us all strive to be more gentle with one another. Let us show the love of Christ to a world that so desperately needs it.

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